asked the Minister for Justice when it is intended to erect new Gárda barracks at Kimmage, Stillorgan and Rathfarnham, County Dublin.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Erection of Gárda Barracks.
I am informed by the Commissioners of Public Works that arrangements are in hands for the acquisition of sites for the erection of the proposed new Gárda barracks at Kimmage and Stillorgan, and it is probable that a settlement of these matters will shortly be effected. Building works will be undertaken as soon as possible after the acquisition of the sites. A contract has been made for the erection of the new barrack at Rathfarnham.
asked the Minister for Justice if he will state whether a site has yet been secured for the erection of a new Gárda Síochána barracks at Kilcock.
I am informed by the Commissioners of Public Works that arrangements are in hands for acquiring a site at Kilcock and it is probable that a satisfactory settlement of this matter will soon be effected.
Would the Minister say whether that means that the contract for the erection of the new barracks will be placed in the next financial year?
The site for the erection of the new barracks has been actually acquired, but the conveyance has not been completed. The erection of the buildings will depend on that. I cannot say when the sale will be completed.