asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he will state (a) what was the amount of money tendered-by Farmer Brothers, contractors, for the building of the county hospital at Cashel, County Tipperary; (b) on what date was sanction given to the tender of those contractors for the work; (c) by what date was the contract to be completed; and (d) for what penalties were the contractors liable if the contract were not completed within the specified time.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Hospital at Cashel.
(a) The amount of the tender submitted by Messrs. Farmer Brothers was £60,799 (b) The acceptance of the tender was approved on 31/1/35. (c) The contract provided for completion of the work by 11/3/37, and for a penalty of £10 per week for each week after that date.
I should like to know whether the contractors have been penalised with this £10 per week ever since?
I understand that the local authority did not enforce the penalty clause. That is a matter for the local authority.