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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 26 Apr 1939

Vol. 75 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Acquisition of Pollagh Oyster Bed.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state if it is intended to acquire the Pollagh oyster bed, County Galway, which is owned by Mr. Neilan, and on which State money has been spent.

It is not my intention to acquire any oyster bed.

Arising out of the Minister's reply, is he aware that the oyster bed referred to in this question was acquired by the father of the present owner from the St. George family for value, and that, consequent on the Minister's interference with it, local fishermen have gone in upon the oyster bed, and its present owner is unable to assert his title over it? In those circumstances—the analogy between his plight and that of the owners of several fisheries being established—does the Minister not intend to adopt the same attitude towards those fisheries as he announced it is his intention to adopt towards several fisheries?

We did not consider the acquisition of oyster beds on the same lines as inland fisheries. As a matter of fact, I had thought that the Deputy had something else in mind in asking this question, with regard to the stocking of the State oyster bed beside this one. The aspect of the question which the Deputy has now raised is, I must admit, new to me.

Will the Minister consider the special circumstances, and the desirability in the light of those special circumstances of acquiring this oyster bed and incorporating it in the State oyster bed which adjoins it?

That would involve very long consideration, and have to be followed by legislation.

I am not sure that the Minister has not power to do this, but will he consider the matter?

Certainly; I will consider it.
