asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he is aware that a special new rate has been levied on the users of water in the town of Roscrea in respect of certain new works connected with the water supply, for which scheme sanction has not yet been obtained; that a conflict has arisen between some of the ratepayers and the local authority; and, if so, he will state whether in these circumstances he will intervene in the matter.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Roscrea Water Supply.
I would refer the Deputy to the reply to his question of the 29th March last in which he was informed that the Minister's approval is not required to the fixing of the water rents. The Minister cannot, therefore, intervene in the matter.
Is the Minister not aware of the serious situation that has prevailed with regard to the water supply in this town? A dispute has been going on as to the rights and wrongs of the matter. In view of the position there, would he not think of intervening? The present position of affairs has continued for the last nine or ten years. Some years ago a water scheme, costing about £15,000, was provided for the town of Roscrea. No water is being obtained from that scheme. In fact the position with regard to the water supply there is most unsatisfactory. Since the water was laid on to the new houses it has become even more unsatisfactory, in spite of the fact that there has been an increase in the charges made from 300 to 500 per cent. Is the Minister prepared to have an inquiry held into this whole matter of the water supply in Roscrea?