asked the Minister for Agriculture whether he is aware that North of Ireland curers are charging 120/- to 125/- per cwt. for rolled bacon in County Donegal, while the price charged for the same bacon in Northern Ireland by the same curers is 90/- per cwt. ex factory; and whether, in view of the fact that he is licensing these imports, he can explain this wide discrepancy in the prices charged to bacon consumers in Éire as compared with those charged to bacon consumers in Northern Ireland; and whether he proposes to take any steps to correct this discrepancy.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Price of Rolled Bacon in County Donegal.
I have no control over prices charged for the bacon referred to. Whilst it is correct to say that I license these imports, the distribution of licences amongst bacon curers in Great Britain and Northern Ireland is, by arrangement with the British Government, a matter for that Government.