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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 8 Nov 1939

Vol. 77 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Investments in Foreign Securities.

asked the Minister for Finance if he will state the names of the several investment funds directly or indirectly under the control of his Department and the amount of each such fund; the amount of each such fund invested in foreign securities and the nature of such securities; the nominal value of such securities and their market value reckoned at the price at which they were quoted on the last date previous to the 1st instant on which there were dealings in such security.

asked the Minister for Finance if he will state in respect of each publicly owned corporation (e.g., the Electricity Supply Board, the Currency Commission, etc.), the total moneys under their control and invested; the sum in each case invested in foreign securities and the nature of such securities; the nominal value of the securities and their market value reckoned at the price at which they were quoted on the last date previous to the 1st instant on which there were dealings in such securities.

asked the Minister for Finance if he will state in respect of each Department of State other than the Department of Finance the total moneys under their control and invested; the sum in each case invested in foreign securities and the nature of such securities; the nominal value of the securities and their market value reckoned at the price at which they were quoted on the last date previous to the 1st instant on which there were dealings in such securities.

I propose to take questions Nos. 9, 10 and 11 together. As was explained in reply to a Parliamentary question on somewhat similar lines on 30th November, 1938 (Dáil Debates, Vol. 73, col. 1133), the accounts of most of the funds are compiled for periods ending on 31st March in each year. The preparation of the information required by the Deputy for any other date would involve an expenditure of time and labour which, in my opinion, would not be justified.

Surely for the information of the Deputies, the preparation of this information would be well worth the trouble which it would give and I trust it will be given?

Will the Minister say if questions are put down after the 31st of March, 1940, asking for this information the information will then be given?

Can the Minister say whether in respect to the position on the 31st March last, the information is available?

It has already been furnished to the House for the year 1938.
