asked the Minister for Finance if he will state the number of gallons of each of the following descriptions of spirits landed in Éire for the three months ended 30th November, 1939, (1) brandy, (2) Geneva, (3) rum, (4) other sorts.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Imports of Spirits and Beer.
asked the Minister for Finance if he will state (1) the aggregate number of barrels (36 gallons) of British and Continental beer, and (2) the aggregate number of liquid gallons (30 u.p.) of Scotch whiskey, landed in Éire for the year ended 30th November, 1939.
I propose to take questions Nos. 2 and 3 together. As the Deputy has doubtless already observed the monthly trade statistics relating to the period since the outbreak of the war have been issued only in abbreviated form, the particulars given being confined to the imports and exports in the four main classes into which the statistics fall. For reasons of public policy it is considered inadvisable for the present to publish any details additional to those given in the summary.