asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he will state the cause of the delay in proceeding with the hospital scheme for Longford; and if he will expedite work on the building of the fever hospital or alternatively instal an up-to-date water supply and sanitary accommodation in the existing fever hospital.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Longford Hospital Scheme.
As the Deputy is aware difficulty was experienced in the selection and acquisition of a suitable site at a reasonable price for the proposed new county and fever hospital for Longford. In March last the Minister approved the purchase of a site, and requested the board to have a schedule of accommodation prepared in connection with the proposed general hospital. An outline schedule of accommodation for the new fever hospital was prepared by the Department and sent in July last to the board for consideration. The board have not notified my Department of their views on it. In the meantime the board are being advised to proceed with the sanitary and other improvements recommended by their officers in October, 1938.