It is proposed to take the business on the Order Paper in this order:—Item No. 5, Ministers and Secretaries Bill; item No. 6, County Management Bill; item No. 7, Housing (Gaeltacht) Amendment Bill; item No. 9, Fire Brigades Bill and item No. 8, Supplementary Agricultural Grants Vote No. 25; and Forestry, Vote 55. The Money Resolutions, items 2, 3 and 4, will be taken in their appropriate places. When the business as ordered is completed, the House will sit late if necessary so as to give two and a half hours for the Motion on the Adjournment. The House will then adjourn until the 21st February, 1940.
Order of Business.
Is it understood that provision is made for the Ceann Comhairle calling the Dáil together again in the meantime if the necessity arises?
Yes, I understand that is so—if the necessity arises.
Would the Minister say why it is that the House will not sit earlier than 21st February, seeing that we are to have an early Easter in 1940, and if the House does not meet until the 21st February there will be little time left for doing the work of the country?
We had one Budget this year, and God forbid we should have another.