asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he is aware that the bus fares have been increased by 50 per cent., and in some cases 60 per cent. on monthly ticket holders travelling on the Great Northern buses while the recent rise in petrol has not exceeded 20 per cent.; and, if so, if he will have inquiries made into the cause of these increases.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Increase of Bus Fares.
There has been no recent increase in the normal fares charged to season ticket holders on the Great Northern Railway omnibus services.
I am aware, however, that by withdrawal, as from the 6th ultimo, of a voluntary concession formerly afforded by the company, by which ladies' season tickets were issued at a preferential rate of two-thirds of the full normal rate, an increase of approximately 50 per cent. in the cost of such tickets has resulted.
The Great Northern Railway Company were alone amongst transport concerns in this country in granting the concession referred to, and in withdrawing it at this stage, when operating costs have been greatly increased, they are simply bringing their practice into line with that of all other transport undertakers.
And sugar manufacturers.