asked the Minister for Supplies if, in order to help farmers to plan their programme of crops for the coming year, he will state what are the present stocks of basic artificial manures and of compound manures, and what additional supplies he anticipates will be available before the end of the sowing period.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Supplies of Artificial Manures.
Oh the basis of information received from manufacturers and other importers, it is estimated that the stocks held by them at the end of October represent in the case of phosphatic manures (including compound manures) approximately, one-third of a normal year's requirements, in the case of nitrogenous manures upwards of one-half of a normal year's requirements, and in the case of potassic manures about one-third of a normal year's requirements. In existing circumstances, it is not possible to say at this stage what additional supplies will be available before the end of the sowing season.
Arising out of the reply, has the Minister considered the possibility of recovering potash for manurial purposes from seaweed?
That matter has been examined.
And have steps been taken to avail of the supply of potash available from that source?
Not yet.
If anything is going to be done it will want to be done in a hurry.