asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state the number of (a) live stock, (b) sheep, and (c) pigs, and the quantities of (a) butter, (b) bacon, (c) poultry, and (d) wool carried over the land frontier into Northern Ireland during the first nine months of each of the years 1937 to 1940 inclusive; whether he will state the proportion of such items consigned for transhipment from Northern Ireland ports to other countries; whether any representations were made to him regarding the diverting to Northern Ireland ports of animals and goods intended for shipment from home ports; and whether in view of the amount of unemployment arising in the home ports because of the diversion of traffic to Northern Ireland ports he will state what action he has taken or proposes taking to terminate the practice referred to.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Diversion of Traffic.
As the answer contains a tabular statement I propose to circulate it with the Official Report. The table shows the total numbers of cattle, sheep and lambs, live poultry and pigs, and the quantities of butter, bacon and hams, dead poultry and wool exported across the land frontier in each period of nine months, January to September, 1937 and 1938, and in the eight months, January to August, 1939, and the proportion consigned to countries other than Northern Ireland. The Deputy will have observed that for September, 1939, and subsequent months a summary only of imports and exports has been issued. On grounds of public policy, as already stated, it has been decided not to publish for the present in any form more details than are given in this summary.
With regard to the last portion of the question I would refer the Deputy to my reply to Deputy Everett in the matter on the 2nd October last.
Following is the statement:—
Description |
January to September, 1937 |
January to September, 1938 |
January to August, 1939 |
Total exported across Land Frontier |
Proportion consigned to countries other than Nr. Ireland |
Total exported across Land Frontier |
Proportion consigned to countries other than Nr. Ireland |
Total exported across Land Frontier |
Proportion consigned to countries other than Nr. Ireland |
per cent. |
per cent. |
per cent. |
Cattle |
No. |
100,426 |
52 |
112,402 |
50 |
96,028 |
56 |
Sheep and Lambs |
,, |
21,093 |
5 |
16,667 |
8 |
20,186 |
2 |
Pigs |
,, |
4,954 |
0 |
6,357 |
19 |
7,947 |
11 |
Poultry, Live |
,, |
112,670 |
7 |
136,729 |
5 |
159,934 |
4 |
Poultry, Dead |
cwt. |
2,324 |
98 |
1,720 |
99 |
1,370 |
95 |
Butter |
,, |
66,247 |
0 |
54,117 |
2 |
43,382 |
0 |
Bacon and Hams |
,, |
28,625 |
48 |
35,317 |
59 |
28,181 |
59 |
Wool |
cental |
7,620 |
20 |
2,682 |
23 |
6,491 |
7 |
(100 lb.) |