asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health whether he has received representations from the Gárda authorities and the ratepayers as to the dangerous condition of the main road between Wicklow and Bray; whether he is aware that several fatal accidents have occurred on this route owing to dangerous corners and the camber of the surface; and having regard to the fact that this road is recognised as the principal tourist and traffic road, particularly in the summer season, and to the fact that money is available for the work, whether he will make a substantial grant towards the cost of making this road safe for traffic.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Wicklow-Bray Road.
As regards the first part of the question, representations were received last year from the Gárda Síochána in regard to excessive camber of the road from Bray to Rathnew. No representations in the matter appear to have been received from ratepayers of the county.
As regards the second part of the question, the reply is in the negative.
As regards the third part, when the representations referred to were received they were communicated to the acting county surveyor, who submitted proposals for the super-elevation of dangerous bends at an estimated cost of £5,400. Before deciding upon the nature of improvements it was deemed desirable to have a full examination of the area. The county surveyor has been requested to arrange for such a survey. When it is completed further consideration will be given to the improvement of the road.
Could the Minister not recommend some improvement so as to prevent any other accidents taking place?
When we get the report we will have it considered and see what can be done.