asked the Minister for Supplies if he will state whether he has given any consideration to the suggestion which has been made that the sale of hot bread is a cause of considerable waste, and whether with a view to making the most of our flour supplies, he proposes to take any steps to regulate the condition in which bread may be released for sale.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Sale of Freshly-Made Bread.
The suggestion that the sale of hot bread should be regulated has been under my consideration and has been the subject of consultation between my Department and persons who are competent to advise in such matters. Having regard to the advice furnished to my Department, I have decided to postpone making a decision concerning the advisability of placing a restriction on the sale of fresh bread until the new loaf made from flour of 90 per cent. extraction comes on the market in the near future.
Will the Minister take into consideration the fact that it is likely that the introduction of the new loaf will make the introduction of a regulation of this type much more advisable?
It may have the opposite effect.