asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state the number of persons in Cork City in receipt of benefit under the Unemployment Assistance Acts at the following rates:—(a) 23/- per week; (b) 22/- per week; (c) 20/- per week; (d) 18/6 per week, during the week ending 11th January, 1941, or the nearest date for which the figures are available.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Unemployment Assistance Benefit in Cork.
The number of persons resident in the County Borough of Cork, who were paid unemployment assistance during the week ended 11th January, 1941, at the rates of 23/-, 22/-, 20/- and 18/6 was as follows:—
Rate per week |
Number of persons. |
23/- |
116 |
22/- |
116 |
20/- |
136 |
18/6 |
178 |
Does that include the number of workers who were engaged on relief schemes for that particular week?
I do not see how that question arises. This return has nothing to do with minor relief schemes.
I know that, for that particular week, 83 men were sent from the labour exchange and they had been drawing 23/- a week. I wanted to know if they were included in the number mentioned by the Parliamentary Secretary.
No. The people mentioned by me were those who are drawing unemployment assistance. The number of people receiving 23/- was 116 and these people were not working on relief schemes.
asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state the number of persons in County Cork in receipt of benefit at the rate of:— (a) 14/- per week; (b) 13/- per week, under the Unemployment Assistance Acts for the week ending 11th January, 1941, or the nearest date for which the figures are available.
Payments of unemployment assistance are not classified according to counties, but it is estimated that the number of persons resident in County Cork, excluding the County Borough of Cork, who were paid unemployment assistance during the week ended the 11th January, 1941, at the rates of 14/- and 13/- per week was 191 and 152 respectively.
The remaining questions for oral answer will be repeated on to-morrow's Order Paper.