asked the Minister for Supplies if he will state whether any qualification in terms of previous importing of grain was established for the directorate of Grain Importers (Eire), Ltd.; whether any firm or individuals have been put upon the said board at his recommendation or at his order or at the recommendation or order of any other Minister; if so, was the qualification as to importing insisted upon in respect of any such director or individual so put upon the board; and further, if he will state the basis upon which Grain Importers (Eire), Ltd., are allowed to recoup themselves for expenditure in connection with their duties and what is the amount annually collected by this company under this head.
Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Grain Importers (Éire), Ltd.
Grain Importers (Eire), Ltd., was formed after discussions in the Department of Industry and Commerce, when the Irish Flour Millers' Association and the Irish. Corn Trade Association agreed to form a company for the centralised purchase of imported grain. The directorate was chosen by these bodies.
I understand that all the Directors of the Company or the firms with which they are connected were engaged in the business of importing grain prior to the emergency, but no qualification in terms of previous importing of grain was laid down for the Directorate of the Company. One individual was put upon the board at my recommendation, but no question as to any special qualification arose. No member of the board was included on the recommendations, or order of any other Minister.
Grain Importers (Éire), Ltd., is a non-profit-making Company and the necessary expenditure incurred in connection with the Company's operations is recouped out of the price charged for grain. The Directors receive no remuneration in respect of their services on the Board of the Company.
Is not each of these men also a director of the Milling Company?
Not all of them.