asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if, having regard to his statement that six tons of potatoes were exported from Éire in December, 1940, he will indicate on what grounds he declines to furnish particulars of the export of potatoes for the months of January and February, 1941, and whether he will now furnish this information in respect of the latter months.
Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Export of Potatoes.
I would refer the Deputy to the answer which I gave to a similar question on the 11th instant.
I should like to take this opportunity of correcting the misstatement which I made in answer to the Deputy's supplementary question on the same date and to point out that the total quantity of main crop potatoes exported from this country in December, 1940, was 6 cwt. There was a nil return in the months of January and February, 1941.
Will the Minister indicate why he feels at liberty to disclose the export of main crop or seed potatoes for December, 1940, and will not disclose the information regarding the export for the months of January and February, 1941? Am I to understand that the Minister merely quoted the December figures because they suited his argument and that he dare not tell the House what the exports were for January and February? Surely the Minister is not trying to justify a position whereby he can get State statistics and quote them against Deputies, but Deputies are not to be permitted to get similar information to that which is available to the Minister for debating purposes in the House?
Perhaps I should intervene? It was already explained to the House that there was a definite decision taken by the Government at a certain period that the ordinary statistics should not be published; that it was not advisable in the public interest to give statistics asked for by Deputies which would ordinarily be given. On account of the demand that was made for them, I myself gave some statistics on the last occasion that I spoke here. That was against the general decision. I think that this matter ought not to be pressed. If so, it will have to be pressed in the form of a general debate.
Arising out of what the Taoiseach has said, my complaint is localised against the Minister for Industry and Commerce. My complaint is that the Minister quoted certain statistics relating to the export of potatoes for December, 1940, from a document available to himself, but, declined, when asked, to give similar information for the months of January and February. Why is the Minister prepared to quote export figures which suit himself, and then coil up and say that it is not in the public interest to disclose other information of an unsuitable kind simply because he does not desire to give Deputies that information?
I am afraid I am responsible for the whole thing and not the Minister in question. I gave certain statistics on the last day because I felt that the public interest would, on the whole, be better served by giving them. That was on account of certain statements that were made. The Minister in not giving the statistics is, I think, adhering to the decision arrived at. He would not be if he were to give them.
But the Minister did give statistics for December to suit debating purposes, but will not give them for January or February.
Has the Taoiseach since taken steps to satisfy himself that statistics he gave were correct?
From the information I have, the statistics I gave were correct.