asked the Minister for Agriculture whether his attention has been directed to the shortage of specific remedies for fluke in sheep and cattle, and whether he will consider organising the production of such supplies from the raw materials available in this country.
Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Shortage of Fluke Remedies.
No representations have been made to me on the question of a shortage of supplies of Male Fern Extract or Carbon Tetrachloride, the drugs recommended for the treatment of liver fluke in cattle and sheep. I see no objection to the manufacture of these drugs in this country, provided they are of standard quality. The matter of the organisation of production is not, however, one for my Department.
Arising out of the Minister's reply, is he aware that I can show him a letter demonstrating that there is a shortage of both these products, and outlining to him the necessity for putting the matter in hand at once if we are not going to find ourselves next autumn without any supplies at all, because the British Minister for Supply will not permit the export of those products to this country? In the light of that, surely the Minister ought to take some steps to ensure that we will have some specific for fluke next winter? Did the Minister discuss the matter with the Minister for Supplies?
Yes; the matter has been discussed. There probably will be a shortage of imported materials before the season is out.
But will you not take any steps while there is yet time?
It is being examined.
And steps will be taken to ensure that we have a supply?
I am not sure we will succeed, but it is being examined.
But I put it to the Minister that half a dozen men should be sent out to pull the male fern, to bruise it up and refine it?
The question is whether or not we can make a standard product from the native fern.
Let us do something, and not leave ourselves without any supplies at all.