asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will arrange that some of the maize meal advertised for exchange shall be given to the feeders of pedigree bulls who had them entered for the Dublin March Sale and who will not be able to dispose of them for some time to come.
Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Maize Meal for Pedigree Bulls.
I understand that the scheme under which maize—but not maize meal—was offered in exchange for oats and barley by Grain Importers (Éire), Ltd., to farmers as well as to dealers has been withdrawn on and from 15th March. It was not practicable for the Company to dispose of maize directly to farmers otherwise than by way of exchange for oats and barley.
I have no reason to believe that owners of pedigree bulls which were intended to be entered for the Dublin March Sale, are so seriously inconvenienced by shortage of feeding stuffs that they are not in a position to feed these animals in the ordinary way for the next few weeks.