asked the Minister for Lands if he will state what steps have been taken to acquire the Humphreys' bog near Moate, County Westmeath, by the Land Commission for turbary purposes, and whether, pending the acquisition of same, he will consider, as a temporary measure, giving facilities to the people of the town and district to cut turf therein.
Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Westmeath Lands.
The Land Commission have instituted proceedings for the acquisition of the bog near Moate in the occupation of Major Humphreys, but, as they have not yet acquired this bog, they have not in a position to give facilities for cutting turf.
The remaining unstarred questions will be repeated on to-morrow's Order Paper.
Why not take Question No. 43—I was waiting for that?
Normally, 30 questions are disposed of in half an hour; it has taken an hour to answer 42 to-day. The Ceann Comhairle may either postpone the unanswered questions to next day or direct that the replies be entered in the Official Report.
Do not suppress Question No. 43.
In view of the fact that the Dáil is not normally sitting at the moment, would it not be better to disregard that order?
The question will be repeated to-morrow.
I understood the Dáil was not sitting to-morrow.
The House will sit to-morrow.
We will all be here to hear Question No. 43.