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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 29 May 1941

Committee on Finance. - Vote 10—Public Works and Buildings.

I move:—

Go ndeontar suim ná raghaidh thar £761,115 chun slánuithe na suime is gá chun íoctha an Mhuirir a thiocfaidh chun bheith iníoctha i rith na bliana dar críoch an 31adh lá de Mhárta, 1942, chun caiteachais alos Foirgintí Poiblidhe; chun Páirceanna agus Oibreacha Poiblidhe áirithe do chothabháil; agus chun Oibreacha Dréineála do dhéanamh agus do chothabháil.

That a sum, not exceeding £761,115, be granted to complete the sum necessary to defray the Charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending the 31st day of March, 1942, for Expenditure in respect of Public Buildings; for the Maintenance of certain Parks and Public Works; and for the Execution and Maintenance of Drainage Works.

The Parliamentary Secretary made a brief reference to the question of drainage maintenance work, and he stated that no new drainage works are in contemplation this year.

No new ones.

Surely that is not the suggestion contained in the report of the Drainage Commission. I do not know what recommendations, if any, were made by the members of the Drainage Commission, but I am sure they are not in favour of suspending drainage work. I would like to hear from the Parliamentary Secretary the reason why no works of this kind are being undertaken this year.

Under Vote 67, in all probability, there may be some 200 or 250 small drainage works carried out, but no main arterial drainages. The drainages which now require to be done are big out-fall drainages. They are big undertakings and they are not promising from the point of view of employment, or any immediate increase in productivity. They are more in the nature of foundation work. This brief was prepared in March, and these are the conditions at present. Should circumstances change, we are not bound by these declarations. That may possibly meet the Deputy's wishes.

Vote put and agreed to.