asked the Minister for the Co-ordination of Defensive Measures if he will state in respect of Dublin City and Dun Laoghaire Borough the number of auxiliary fire-stations ready for use in the event of emergency and the number of fire-engines available to each auxiliary station.
Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Auxiliary Fire Services.
In addition to the four existing fire-stations in Dublin it is proposed to have 15 auxiliary fire-stations and one auxiliary fire-station in Dun Laoghaire in addition to the existing station. Four of the Dublin auxiliary stations are being opened and manned almost immediately and in an emergency the remainder can be made ready for use in about 72 hours. The auxiliary station in Dun Laoghaire is being made ready for immediate use. Three to four pumping units are being made available in each of the auxiliary fire-stations. In addition, three of the existing stations are being augmented. The existing station in Dun Laoghaire is also being augmented. In addition to the 15 auxiliary stations, four heavy duty units for use on two barges are available and can be made ready for use in a couple of days. A total of seven heavy duty units, nine large trailer unit and 43 light trailer units are available for Dublin. One large trailer unit and eight light trailer units are available for Dun Laoghaire.
Efforts are being made to obtain two further heavy duty units and two large trailer units for Dublin.
A reserve of six heavy duty self-propelled units and six large trailer units is being established at a convenient distance from Dublin. This reserve is to supplement the equipment in any district which may be seriously affected.