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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 18 Jun 1941

Vol. 83 No. 16

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Fuel Permits for Tractors.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if he is aware that the Department of Supplies has recently refused fuel permits for tractors for the purpose of preparing land for turnips and that this refusal followed on advice given by his Department to the effect that all cultivation should have been completed before the 1st June, despite the fact that it is the normal practice in many areas to delay sowing until after this date.

I am aware that turnips are often sown in the month of June. In order to conserve, for the grain harvest, the supply of tractor fuel that is or may become available, it is, however, essential that, where at all practicable, horses should be used instead of tractors for such tillage operations as have to be performed during the coming few weeks, and also for hay-making. It was because of that consideration that the issue of supplies of tractor fuel for the current month has not been generally recommended by my Department.

Arising out of the Minister's reply, may we take it that there will be no fuel available for hay cutting?
