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Dáil Éireann debate -
Friday, 20 Jun 1941

Vol. 83 No. 18

Committee on Finance. - Additional Financial Resolution No. 2—Surtax.

I move Additional Financial Resolution No. 2:—

That surtax for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1941, shall be charged in respect of the income of any individual the total of which from all sources exceeds one thousand five hundred pounds and shall be so charged at the same rates as those at which it is charged for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1940.

These Additional Financial Resolutions, Sir, arise out of the changes I mentioned earlier that I propose to make in the Finance Bill as compared with the original statement I made when introducing the Budget. I propose to take Resolutions Nos. 2 and 3 together and what I say on these refers also to the first section in the Finance Bill.

Is not there an Additional Financial Resolution No. 1 about surtax rates?

There are two Resolutions, the first on surtax and the second on excess surtax.

I think No. 1, relative to a betting tax, was disposed of already.

Oh, no, Sir.

I have here before me notice of motion for Wednesday, 18th June:—


That surtax for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1941, shall be charged in respect of the income of any individual the total of which from all sources exceeds £1,500 and shall be so charged at the same rates as those at which it is charged for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1940.

Is that proposed?

That is No. 2 now.

That is the motion that is in front of us.

No. 1 was the duty on bets. Is not that so?

I understand that No. 1 was disposed of last week.

I have a paper in front of me in which the Resolution in regard to surtax was called No. 1.

That is an old typescript.

I propose to explain the two Resolutions together, as they are interdependent. As Deputies are aware, I announced on the Second Reading of the Finance Bill that I proposed to move to postpone the charge of excess surtax so as to make it applicable to the year 1941-42, payable 1st January, 1943, instead of to 1940-41, payable 1st January, 1942. The change is, of course, a concession, but for technical reasons arising out of standard orders, it is necessary to have a fresh Resolution. That Resolution is Additional Financial Resolution No. 3. The postponement of the charge to excess surtax also gives rise to the necessity for Additional Financial Resolution No. 2. The original Financial Resolution provided, as does also Section 1 of the Bill, as it stands at present, for a charge of surtax for 1941-42, but as surtax for that year is not payable until 1st January, 1943, and will, therefore, not affect the revenue of the current financial year, the Bill as it stands at the moment leaves the ordinary surtax rates for 1941-42 to be fixed next year. Since, however, we are now arranging to fix a rate of excess surtax for 1941-42, and the rate charged will in most cases, as provided by Section 9 (b) of the Bill, be affected by the rate of ordinary surtax chargeable, it becomes desirable to fix the rates of ordinary surtax for the same year, and I propose that they should be the same as those for 1940-41, that is, the rates at present in force.

Can the Minister give us the rates which are already in force?

They vary according to the rate of income. There is a long tabular statement. I will read some of the rates:—

Incomes Chargeable

On incomes up to £3,000

On incomes from £3,000 to £8,000

On incomes from £8,000 to £20,000

On incomes over £20,000









In respect of the first £1,500 of the income





In respect of the next £500 up to £2,000









In respect of the next £1,000 up to £3,000









Perhaps I had better get a copy of this statement sent to the Deputy.

Yes; I should be glad if the Minister would circulate a copy.

Resolution No. 2 agreed to.
Resolution reported and agreed to.