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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 3 Dec 1941

Vol. 85 No. 7

Written Answers. - Deceased Soldiers' Dependents' Allowances.

asked the Minister for Defence if he will state the number of cases of (1) officers, and (2) soldiers, who, while serving in the forces, were killed on or after 1st October, 1924, and in respect of whose dependents allowances are being paid at the rates set out in the Seventh Schedule of the Army Pensions Act, 1927, distinguishing between (1) widows, whether with or without dependent children, and (2) motherless children.

Officers' widows:— An allowance at the scale set out in the Seventh Schedule to the Army Pensions Act, 1927, is being paid to the widow of an officer who was killed after the 1st October, 1924, while serving in the forces.

Soldiers' widows:—Allowances are being paid at the scale set out in the Seventh Schedule to the Army Pensions Act, 1927, (1) to 13 widows of soldiers who were killed, or who died from injuries received, while serving in the forces after the 1st October, 1924 (one of these widows has remarried and is being paid allowances only in respect of the deceased soldier's two children), and (2) in respect of the motherless child of a soldier who was killed while serving in the forces after the 1st October, 1924.

I suggest, Sir, that questions 58, 59 and 60 might be repeated to-morrow.

It is suggested that questions 58, 59 and 60 might be repeated to-morrow since the appropriate Minister is unable to be present now.
