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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 12 May 1943

Vol. 90 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Appointment of Labour Exchange Manager.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state whether he has recently made an appointment at Gorey, County Wexford, of a labour exchange manager; whether before the appointment was made, the vacancy was advertised or otherwise announced, the number of applications received, and the method followed for selecting a suitable person; whether there was an interview board, and, if so, whether the person placed first was appointed, and, if not, what place he filled.

The vacancy for the position of branch manager at Gorey was advertised in the local Press and by display of posters. Forms of application were completed by 34 candidates, of whom 30 presented themselves for interview by officers of the Department appointed for that purpose. From amongst those qualified for the position, I selected the person I considered the most suitable. For obvious reasons, I am not prepared to state the order of recommendation in which the candidates were placed.

Would it be correct to say—as is being said already in the district—that this man was almost at the bottom of the list?

I am not responsible for what is being or has been said in the district, or for any rumours which the Deputy may have heard. As I have told the Deputy, the various applicants presented themselves for examination and a report was submitted to me. I went very carefully into the whole matter and satisfied myself that the person appointed was the most suitable.

That is not what I asked the Parliamentary Secretary. I asked him would it be correct to say that this man was at the bottom of the list, or very near the bottom?

I have already answered that question and the Deputy would know that if he would only take the trouble to listen. For obvious reasons, I am not prepared to state the order of recommendation in which the candidates were placed.

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that the person appointed to this post of branch manager at the labour exchange at Gorey gave very good service in the Volunteers and in the I.R.A.?

I was so aware when I was making the appointment.

Had this man any previous clerical experience?

I have already explained to the Deputy that I took every aspect into consideration before making the appointment and I satisfied myself that, from the point of view of education and otherwise, the man appointed was fully competent to discharge the duties of the office.
