It is proposed to take the business as on the Order Paper— items 1 to 4. Provided the Second Stage of the Children's Allowances Bill is concluded, it is proposed to take Private Deputies' business at 7.30 p.m.
Order of Business.
No such condition was imposed yesterday.
I think it is probable that the Bill will be concluded this evening.
I consider it is very unfair to adopt that attitude in relation to Private Business.
Mr. Byrne
Yesterday the Minister announced definitely that Private Deputies' business would be taken this evening without any condition as to the Children's Allowances Bill being concluded. I suggest that promise should he kept.
If it appears likely that the discussion on the Children's Allowances Bill will be prolonged, we can adjourn the discussion until to-morrow. If it is only a matter of some minutes in which to bring the Second Reading to a conclusion, I think there will be agreement, so that we might modify the arrangement.
Could it be arranged that we might take Private Deputies' business to-morrow?
I am not sure what the procedure is in that regard. The Standing Orders arrange for the taking of Private Business on Wednesday.
That could be arranged, if the Government consented.
The Government will give time. I think the arrangement I have suggested will be satisfactory. We can stop the discussion on the Children's Allowances Bill at 7.30, arrange to continue it to-morrow, and take Private Deputies' business this evening.
If Private Deputies' business is taken to-day the motion will be No. 2, relating to the present rates of marriage and children's allowances payable to members of the Defence Forces and suggesting that they are inadequate to meet the cost of living. The motion is in the names of Deputy Byrne, Senior, and Deputy Byrne, Junior. The Minister concerned with Motion No. 1 will be engaged in the Seanad. The Minister for Defence will be available to attend for Motion No. 2.