asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state the quantity of liquid milk supplies under the control of the Dublin Milk-Board for the City of Dublin for the years 1941, 1942 and 1943 to date, from (a) the Dublin production area; and (b) creameries.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dublin Milk Supplies.
asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state the estimated consumption of liquid milk for the City of Dublin for the years 1941, 1942 and 1943 to date.
I will take questions Nos. 12 and 13 together. The quantities of milk supplied to the Dublin Sale District by producers in the Dublin production area were:—
Gallons. |
1941 |
12,842,000 |
1942 |
13,067,000 |
1943 (9 months) |
10,467,000 |
The corresponding figures for supplies from creameries were:—
Gallons. |
1941 |
1,749,000 |
1942 |
1,722,000 |
1943 (9 months) |
1,393,000 |
The daily consumption based on these figures was:—
Gallons. |
1941 |
40,000 |
1942 |
40,500 |
1943 (9 months) |
43,400 |
Does that mean that the milk produced in the production area for Dublin City has fallen?
It is something better.
The consumption has gone up, but I am referring to the milk produced.
The production is slightly better this year.
Does not the last figure mentioned by the Minister suggest that within the ten months' period there has been a falling off in the consumption of milk?
No. I am taking the daily average.
The consumption has still to grow?
It is on the increase.
Do not the figures the Minister has given for the milk supply from the production areas indicate that there is a fall in the supply?
No. The figure for nine months in 1943 is 10,467,000 gallons. Take one-third of that and you have, roughly, 3,400,000. That would bring it up for the year to almost 14,000,000 gallons.
What is the figure for the previous two years?
In 1941 it was 12,842,000 gallons and in 1942, 13,067,000 gallons. The figure for this year is almost 14,000,000 gallons—it will reach that figure if production goes on at the same rate.