We have received the three following Mcssagee from Seanad Eireann:—
Seanad Eireann has this day made the following Order:—
That a Select Committee consisting of five members be appointed to be joined with the Select Committee appointed by the Dáil to assist and advise the Ceann Comhairle and tho Cathaoirleach in the direction and rontrol of the Oireachtas Library.
Seanad Eireann has this day made the following Order:—
That a Select Committee consisting of seven members be appointed to be joined with the Select Committee appointed by the Dáil to assist and advise the Ceann Comhairle in the direction and control of the Oireachtas Restaurant.
Seanad Eireann has this day made the following Order:—
That three members of the Seanad, to be nominated by the Committee of Selection, be appointed to serve on the Joint Committee on Standing Orders in pursuance of Order 66 of the Standing Orders relative to Private Business.
The Dáil adjourned at 9 p.m. until 3 o'clock on Thursday, 25th November.