asked the Minister for Supplies if he is aware that the application of the Emergency Powers (Distribution of Butter) (No. 2) Order, 1943, to creamery suppliers has resulted in farmers withholding quantities of milk from creameries for conversion into butter for their own use; and if, in order to eliminate wastage and ensure that maximum supplies reach creameries, he will consider granting a more liberal allowance to milk suppliers.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Supplies of Milk to Creameries.
The quantity of butter which a creamery is permitted to distribute to its milk suppliers is not less than the quantity given in the ordinary way to their suppliers before rationing of butter was introduced. The creameries are authorised to use their discretion in distributing the bulk quantity amongst their suppliers equitably. In effect, therefore, milk suppliers should be able to get their full needs of butter, although the rest of the community is restricted to 1/2 Ib. per head per week. It is most regrettable, therefore, if, as the Deputy suggests, farmers are withholding their milk from the creameries.
Is that a recent decision of the Department, made within the last few days?
It was the original decision of my Department. Subsequently, that decision was modified, at the request of a number of creamery representatives, fixing a ration per head for milk suppliers. After that scheme had been in operation for a period, further representations were received from creamery representatives which, in effect, asked for a restoration of the original arrangement, which is now in force.
That means reverting to the original arrangement?