asked the Minister for Supplies whether he has received representations from the Kildare County Council requesting an allocation of cycle tyres and tubes for the workers employed on the schemes of the council; and whether he is in a position to meet such representations, having regard to the hardship involved by such workers having, of necessity, to travel long distances to their work.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Cycle Tyres and Tubes.
I have not received any recent representations from the Kildare County Council requesting an allocation of cycle tyres and tubes for workers employed on the schemes of the council.
As regards the question of making a special allocation of cycle tyres and tubes available for such workers, I would refer the Deputy to the reply I gave on the 20th October to a question regarding the distribution of cycle tyres, in which I indicated that it would be quite impracticable to give preference to any particular class in such distribution.