asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he is aware that there are a number of families living in houses situated in Graigue-Cullen, Carlow, and not included in the Carlow urban area, who suffer great hardships in having to travel a long distance to Mountmellick for hospital treatment, as no direct public transport is in operation; and if he will consider making arrangements with the county managers concerned so that hospital treatment would be available to them in the town of Carlow.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Carlow Hospital Facilities.
The only institution in Mountmellick is the county home, to which acute hospital cases are not admitted. The county hospital, Portlaoighise, and the district hospital, Abbeyleix, are both nearer than Mountmellick to the Graigue-Cullen area. The distance between Graigue and Abbeyleix is about 18 miles and the road communication appears to be fairly direct. The distance, from Graigue to Portlaoighise is about 20 miles.
No previous representations have been made to me on the matter. I shall bring the Deputy's suggestion to the notice of the local authorities for consideration.