asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state what relaxation of the Compulsory Tillage Order is extended to owners of thoroughbred mares, and why such preferential treatment is given in such cases when dairy fanners producing an essential of life are compelled to reduce the number of milking cows because of the operation of such Order.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Relaxation of Compulsory Tillage Order.
Such limited exception as is considered essential for the maintenance of a stud may be granted in respect of high-class thoroughbred brood mares. The area of land for which exception is granted depends on the number of bloodstock on the farm, the area of the farm and the suitability of the non-arable land for those animals. The information at the disposal of my Department does not warrant the conclusion that dairy farmers are obliged to reduce their herds because of the operation of tho tillage Order.
I suggest that more consideration should be given to the people who are interested in dairy farming, the people who produce the food commodities so definitely essential to the life of the nation. If there is to be any such thing as preferential treatment, I think it should apply more to those people who keep dairy cows rather than to the people who keep a certain number of brood mares.
Has the Deputy any supplementary question to put? He is making a speech.
What is the exact allowance? Does it lie with the inspector to grant whatever he thinks a fair allowance?
The allowance depends to a great extent on the type of farm. Where there is non-arable land, if that land is suitable for grazing the person gets a lesser allowance. The maximum amount is seven acres, and often it is less.
Seven acres is the maximum?
Everyone in this House wants his neighbour to grow wheat.