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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 16 Dec 1943

Vol. 92 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Supply of Beet Pulp.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if he is aware that the Irish Sugar Company are not this season supplying beet pulp to any but registered beet growers; if so, if he will state the reason why the surplus pulp is withheld.

I understand that the Irish Sugar Company is disposing this season of beet pulp not taken up by growers to the Irish Beet Growers' Association who are supplying the surplus pulp only to sugar beet growers.

Who are what?

Who are disposing of it only to sugar beet growers.

That means that those who do not grow beet do not get pulp. Does it mean that these individuals can sell at inflated prices to those who are not growers of beet?

I understand that it is not illegal to sell pulp, but the price is fixed.

If the Beet Growers' Association take all this pulp, will they be compelled to sell it to beet growers only and not to enter into any arrangement between themselves to sell it to non-growers at inflated prices?

There is no doubt about it all going to the Beet Growers' Association.

And that the Minister will see that nothing more than the regulated price is charged?

The price is fixed.

What is the fixed price?

Where a grower gets his own pulp, the price is £5 5s. 0d. per ton. Where it is sold other than through the Beet Growers' Association the price is £7 0s. 0d. per ton.

Is the Minister satisfied, quite satisfied, that the Beet Growers' Association are supplying growers only? Is not the position that they are prepared to sell to the general public?

I am told they are not doing that.

So the Beet Growers' Association is going to sell the pulp at a profit of £2 a ton.

Oh, no.

Let us have the whole story.

Is the Minister aware that pulp surrendered by growers at a value of £5 5s. 0d. per ton is charged at £7 0s. 0d. per ton by the company, so that the company are netting a profit of £1 15s. 0d. per ton?

Does the Minister approve of that?

We have not decided what we will do with the balance yet.
