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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 21 Jun 1944

Vol. 94 No. 6

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Portlaoighise-Mountmellick Railway.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce whether he will cause representations to be made to the Great Southern Railways Company with a view to the opening of the closed line from Portlaoighise to Mountmellick, as the local people in Mountmellick have undertaken to provide the fuel for the running of one train per day.

The answer is in the negative. It is, however, the intention of the Great Southern Railways Company to reopen the line temporarily for the purpose of handling beet during the beet season.

Is the Minister aware that the parish council in Mountmellick agreed to provide all the necessary fuel in order to get this train running at least once each day? Is the Minister further aware that on the night of Tuesday, 9th May, I gave notice of my intention to raise this matter on the adjournment? It was then in the last moments of the Eleventh Dáil and the matter was permitted to drop but I hereby give notice of my intention with the permission of the Ceann Comhairle to raise this matter on the adjournment to-night.

I am aware, because representations were made to me by Deputy P. Gorry, that the parish council were willing to make turf available at £2 per ton if the line were reopened. It was considered that the price was excessive but, in any event, it was not possible to make arrangements for the running of trains in present circumstances.
