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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 28 Jun 1944

Vol. 94 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dublin Firm's Manufacturing Licence.

asked the Minister for Supplies if he will state the reasons for the revocation of Licence No. 110 issued to Messrs. White Brothers, 9 Wellington Quay, Dublin, under Emergency Powers (Manufacture of Textiles and Textile Articles) Order, 1942, and if he proposes to hold further inquiries into the matter with a view to the reissue of a permit to this firm so that they may carry out their business satisfactorily.

Licence No. 110 was issued on the 4th July, 1942, under the Emergency Powers (Manufacture of Textiles and Textile Articles) Order, 1942, to Messrs. White Brothers, to enable them to carry on the business of manufacturing clothing at their factory at 9 Wellington Quay, Dublin. On the 8th October, 1943, a letter was received from Messrs. White Brothers intimating that they had now nothing to do with the factory and that the factory was being run by another party. The premises were visited by an inspector of my Department who interviewed the other party referred to and drew to his attention the necessity of being licensed under the Order referred to above. The party in question subsequently applied for a licence and represented, in support of his application, that he was taking over the business formerly carried on by Messrs. White Brothers, at 9 Wellington Quay.

Though I am not prepared, as a matter of general policy, to grant licences for textile manufacturing businesses newly set up in the course of the emergency and requiring raw materials which are in short supply, I have authorised the issue of licences to persons taking over established factories. Accordingly, a licence was issued as applied for in respect of the clothing factory situated at 9 Wellington Quay.

The issue of this licence entailed the revocation and surrender of the licence held by the former proprietors, Messrs. White Brothers. The new proprietors were requested to return the licence formerly issued to their predecessors. These requests were ignored. An inspector of my Department recently visited the premises and interviewed a representative of the firm of White Brothers, who refused to surrender the document and in subsequent correspondence indicated that his firm had not disposed of the business to any other party but had merely rented a portion of their factory to such other party.

The matter is being pursued and such action will be taken as the circumstances seem to require.
