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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 26 Apr 1945

Vol. 96 No. 24

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Employment on Turf Production Scheme.

asked the Minister for Supplies if he is aware that a large number of unemployed workers from Portarlington area were refused work at turf production by Clondalkin Paper Mills, Ltd., and large numbers of workers from the West of Ireland were employed and local men rejected by an Order made by his Department; and, if so, and in view of the fact that Clondalkin Paper Mills, Ltd., are willing to employ them, if he will state if he is prepared to allow local men to work on this scheme.

It is a condition of the grant of a turf-movement licence to a firm in the non-turf area that the turf in question should be produced by labour directly employed by the firm and recruited either outside the scheduled turf areas or through employment exchanges from specified areas in the congested districts. These regulations were published in the Press on the 1st February, 1945. Similar regulations have been in operation since 1942 and are designed in the interests of turf production generally. It is not proposed to change them. I am aware that the services of a number of local men employed by Clondalkin Paper Mills, Ltd., on preliminary work during the winter months were dispensed with by reason of these regulations. There is, I understand, a shortage of labour for turf production in the Portarlington district and the men concerned had little difficulty in obtaining alternative employment of this character.

Is the Minister aware that the wages paid to turf workers who come from the West of Ireland are at least £2 more than is paid by the Leix County Council or any other county council? In view of the special circumstances that exist in the Portarlington area, will the Minister consider the case of some 12 or 15 men who were employed by the Clondalkin Paper Mills and allow the Clondalkin Paper Mills to employ them again? The Clondalkin Paper Mills will employ them if the Minister will give permission.

All the labour in the turf areas is required for the production of turf for the national pool. Private firms or individuals producing turf in these areas must bring their labour with them.

Will the Minister take steps to see that the county council and others concerned pay the same rate of wages as private firms like the Clondalkin Paper Mills? The county council, for instance, pay their standard wages, whereas the Clondalkin Paper Mills pay at least £2 more.

There is nothing about pay in the question.

It concerns the Minister's Department.

Quite, but it is not in the question.

Then I will put down a separate question on that.
