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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 10 Oct 1945

Vol. 98 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Insurance Benefits.

asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he is aware that during periods of work during the emergency, a number of Éire citizens temporarily employed in Great Britain, joined, on the advice of the Éire National Health Society, the British National Health Insurance and, as a result, are now deprived of benefits on their return to Éire; and, if so, if he will cause inquiries to be made with a view to having this cause for complaint remedied.

The position which arises is due entirely to the application of British law to a person with a British insurance. In advising a member who goes to Great Britain to join a British society, Cumann an Arachais Náisiúnta ar Shláinte is acting in the interests of the member.

The Parliamentary Secretary is aware that Irishmen who went to England, and who, at the request of the Irish society, joined a British society, on coming home after 18 months' contributions had been made got no allowance from either society. Will he see that that position is remedied?

It is for the British authorities and not for the authorities here.

Will the Parliamentary Secretary approach the British authorities, not cap in hand, but independently?

The matter has already been raised with the British authorities.

Will the Parliamentary Secretary approach the British authorities and ask them to remedy it?

The matter has already been raised with them.

With what result?

With the result that I have already informed the Deputy of in answer to his question.

And that is that nothing is going to be done. Is that so?

If the Deputy will read the replies to his questions he will understand exactly what the position is.

I understood from the Parliamentary Secretary that the victims are still there, and that they will get nothing unless he presses the point.
