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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 29 May 1946

Vol. 101 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Irish Workers in Great Britain.

asked the Minister for External Affairs if his attention has been drawn to reports, published in the British Press recently, that the British authorities were about to expel 250,000 Irish workers from employment, and to compel these workers to return to Éire; if he will state if, in fact, such action is about to take place, and, if so, what plans have been made to provide these citizens, returning from England, with full-time employment here; and whether he is in touch with the British Government on this very important matter.

I have seen the reports referred to in the question. These reports have been repeated from time to time. My information is that they are not correct.

The Taoiseach, in the course of his reply, states that as far as he is aware these reports are not correct. Would it not be possible for the Taoiseach to make direct representations to the British authorities and these might enable him to make a statement which would clear the minds of the Irish in England who are uneasy as a result of those Press reports? Assuming that these reports are with foundation, what plans has the Taoiseach in order to provide employment for the 250,000 Irish emigrants likely to be returned here?

The Deputy is not [1024] satisfied with being told that my information is that the reports referred to in the question are not correct-----

My point is-----

-----and the Deputy would not be satisfied without raising hypothetical questions afterwards.

Am I to understand that the Taoiseach has been officially informed by the British authorities that there is no ground for the Press reports?

The Deputy is to understand what I have said, that my information is that the reports are not correct.

Can the Taoiseach say from where did he get his information?

I do not wish to add anything further to my reply.

Then I am to understand that the Taoiseach's information was obtained from the British authorities.

Such an expression is not a supplementary question.
