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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 25 Jun 1946

Vol. 101 No. 17

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Reception of Polish and German Children.

asked the Minister for External Affairs if any further progress has been made, since his last statement, in the matter of receiving into this country a number of destitute Polish and German children; and if he will state if the delay in perfecting the arrangements is due to a ban placed on the scheme by certain controlling authorities on the plea that such children, if sent here, might become contaminated by western Christianity.

I have no official information that would confirm belief that the delay is due to any such reason as that suggested by the Deputy.

Are the children coming?

I have told the House the position. Somebody asked a question about arrangements for a certain number of German children.

Both German and Polish.

And Polish, too.

I said German.
