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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 22 Jan 1947

Vol. 104 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Transport Proposals

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce whether he proposes at an early date to inform Dáil Eireann of the proposals, if any, at present under consideration for the extension of the transport system of this country; if he will state whether negotiations have taken place, or are contemplated, between his Department, the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Company and the Great Northern Railway Company in regard to transport facilities between this country, Holyhead, and Northern Ireland; and if so, if he will make a full statement of any proposed alterations in the existing transport arrangements between the points mentioned.

I have received no proposals for the alteration of existing transport arrangements between the places mentioned in the question and there have been no negotiations on the subject between my Department and the two transport undertakings mentioned.

Is the Minister aware that frequent references have been made in the Press to the fact that the route, Holyhead to Dublin, is to be altered in some way? The rumour of the proposed alteration has caused serious disquiet to both the people in Holyhead and the people in Dublin whose means of livelihood would be seriously affected by any such alteration. Can he make any statement to dispel these rumours?

The Deputy should not believe all that he reads in the newspapers. The position is as I have stated. No proposals for any alteration in the existing arrangements have been received by me.

Would the Minister say which newspaper does not publish the truth?
