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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 21 May 1947

Vol. 106 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Wheat Scheme Credit Vouchers.

asked the Minister for Agriculture whether, in view of the fact that an announcement concerning the date on which repayment of credit vouchers in connection with the wheat scheme will not be made until July and that fertilisers are not used in farming operations during the summer and early autumn months, he will consider the repayment of these vouchers in cash to help the farmers to meet the additional expenses of the late harvest this year.

I am not prepared to alter the fertiliser credits scheme in the manner suggested by the Deputy.

What is the Minister prepared to do? Would you, Sir, call on the Minister, please, to tell us what he is prepared to do?

The Deputy may ask a supplementary question.

Fertilisers are no use in July and August. The season being so very late, the farmers have been looking forward to getting fertilisers in connection with the new wheat scheme. Surely the Minister will not turn the farmers down altogether.
