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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 9 Oct 1947

Vol. 108 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Kildare Lands.

asked the Minister for Lands when it is proposed to allot the lands on the Healy estate, Ballyteague North, Kilmeague, Naas.

Mr. Boland

It is not possible at present to state when it is proposed to allot the lands of Ballyteague North on the Healy estate. About a third of the estate is at present held by the Minister for Industry and Commerce under Emergency Powers Order. Proposals for the allotment of the balance of the estate are complicated by difficulties of access which are at present engaging attention.

Would the Minister ask his colleague, the Minister for Lands, to endeavour to make some temporary lettings of these lands until such time as proper access can be provided for the potential allottees?

Mr. Boland

I will ask him to look into it.
