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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 13 Nov 1947

Vol. 108 No. 13

Personal Explanation by Deputy.

In the course of a statement here yesterday the Minister for Local Government used the following words——

The Deputy is referring to certain facts, of which he has given notice, with permission of the Chair.

These are the words:—

"He did learn later that afternoon from the Minister for Justice that the Deputy had furnished him with certain facts some of which the Deputy had not seen fit to communicate to the House, notwithstanding that one of them was of capital importance."

That statement is untrue. I communicated to the Minister all the facts of the case as I know them. The Minister for Justice has already confirmed that to the House, and I invite him to confirm that now.

There will be no discussion.

Is not that true?

Silence gives consent.

I do not think the Minister will withhold his consent. The Minister for Local Government sought to create the impression that I had withheld relevant facts. I expressed an opinion to the Minister for Justice in regard to the quality of one source of information which I had for the protection of the Minister for Justice. He accepted that opinion in confidence and he imparted it—I understand, from the Minister for Local Government—in confidence to the Minister for Local Government and to his other Cabinet colleagues. The Minister for Local Government entered this House and referred to what he had heard in confidence from his colleague which was an expression of opinion on my part to the Minister for Justice and describing that as a fact said that I withheld it from the House. I reiterate all I said on a previous occasion and I leave it to the House to judge whether I am, or the Minister for Local Government. is, justified by the facts.
