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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 23 Feb 1949

Vol. 114 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Farm Improvements Scheme.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state (a) the number of farm improvements scheme applications received as a result of the announcement published in July, 1948; (b) the number of these reported upon; (c) the number in respect of which sanction was given to proceed with the proposed improvement work.

(a) The number of applications which have been received under the farm improvements scheme announced in July, 1948, is 30,662; (b) the number of such applications in respect of which inspection reports have been received from the Department's local officers is 27,492; (c) the number of such applications which have been approved up to 19th February, 1949, is 13,952.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state the grants paid in respect of the farm improvements scheme for the following periods: (a) the first half of the previous financial year; (b) the second half of the same year; (c) the first half of the current financial year; (d) the amount since.

Grants under the farm improvements scheme to the following amounts were paid to applicants during the periods indicated by the Deputy:— (a) 1st April, 1947, to 30th September, 1947, £115,147; (b) 1st October, 1947, to 31st March, 1948, £136,857; (c) 1st April, 1948, to 30th September, 1948, £192,131; (d) 1st October, 1948, to 19th February, 1949, £38,259.

You will be a long time spending £50,000,000 that way.

I thought that would worry the Deputy.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state (i) how many applications for grants under the farm improvements scheme announced by his Department in July, 1948, were received by the Department; (ii) how many certificates of approval of such applications were issued; (iii) in how many cases has payment been made.

(i) The number of applications which have been received under the farm improvements scheme announced by my Department in July, 1948, is 30,662; (ii) the number of these applications which have been approved to the 19th February, 1949, is 13,952; (iii) no claims have yet been received in my Department for payment of grants in respect of works authorised to be undertaken by applicants under the 1948-49 scheme.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state (i) how many applications were received by his Department from farmers in County Limerick for grants under the farm improvements scheme announced in July, 1948; (ii) how many certificates of approval were issued in respect of the applications in question; (iii) what was the reason for the delay in issuing certificates of approval.

(i) The farm improvements scheme for 1948-49 was announced on the 3rd July, 1948, and applications were required to be lodged with my Department by the 19th July, 1948. In that period, 1,515 applications were received from farmers resident in County Limerick; (ii) up to the 19th February, 1949, 388 of the County Limerick applicants under the scheme had been authorised to proceed with their works; (iii) the delay in issuing authorisations to proceed with improvement works was due to very great pressure of work on the limited staff available during the last six months.
