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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 24 Feb 1949

Vol. 114 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dublin T.B. Sanatorium.

asked the Minister for Health if, in view of the urgent need for sanatorium accommodation for tuberculosis sufferers in County Dublin, he will take steps to secure premises in the area for use as a temporary sanatorium, with a view to alleviating the present very bad position.

Institutional treatment for tuberculosis patients in Dublin County is provided in sanatoria and tuberculosis hospitals under the control of the county borough health authority and various voluntary institutions in the vicinity of Dublin.

I am aware that additional accommodation for the patients referred to is required. This, however, is part of a general problem for the eastern area and steps have already been taken to remedy the position by the establishment of the new St. Mary's Chest Hospital in the premises of the former Hibernian Military School, Phoenix Park, by extensions to Rialto Hospital and by the provision of beds at the Isolation Hospital, Pigeon House Road. In addition, extensions are being carried out at St. Mary's Chest Hospital and at voluntary institutions, such as St. Laurence's Hospital, Peamount Sanatorium, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Dun Laoghaire, and Newcastle Sanatorium. These works are being pressed forward with all possible speed. During the year 1948, 682 extra beds were provided in the country as a whole. In addition, about 170 beds have been provided since the beginning of this year and a further 450 beds will be provided by next July. This total of about 1,300 additional beds will substantially ease the position in the eastern and other areas.

If the existing rate of progress can be maintained in regard to further plans which are envisaged. I am not without hope that by the end of the year the present waiting list of patients awaiting admission to sanatoria will have been largely dealt with.
