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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 31 Mar 1949

Vol. 114 No. 14

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Suspension of Road Steward.

asked the Minister for Local Government whether he is aware that the county manager suspended Mr. Lawrence Sullivan, road steward, Sneem, and that no specific charge was preferred against him; and, if so, whether he will have the matter investigated.

This man's temporary employment was terminated, as the county manager was satisfied after full investigation that he was not the most suitable man for employment as temporary ganger.

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that Mr. Lawrence Sullivan is a married man? He has a wife and eight children and he is in receipt of the dole. The county manager has appointed a Mr. Clifford to the job. This man was not in receipt of the dole and cannot claim to have longer service or better qualifications for this job than Mr. Sullivan. Mr. Sullivan is an ex-R.I.C. man who resigned early on. He is not in receipt of a pension from either the British Government or the Irish Government. This is a test case. If the county manager can dismiss a man without specific cause, where do the local authorities come in? There is no redress.

My information is not the same as that which the Deputy has. I have been informed by the county manager that Mr. Sullivan is employed. He was replaced in the position in question by a man who had previous experience as a road ganger.
