asked the Minister for Education if he has received a motion from the Cork Corporation, passed on 13th September, 1949, expressing their disappointment at his failure to sanction payment of revised scales of salaries for the Cork school attendance officers and requesting him to sanction same without further delay; and, if so, whether he will state the date he received this motion and the date of his reply to the corporation, if any.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Cork School Attendance Officers.
I received from the Cork Corporation on 16th September last a copy of the resolution referred to in the Deputy's question. The officers in question were granted a very substantial increase in their basic scales in July, 1948. They were subsequently granted the general temporary increase, computed by reference to the cost-of-living index figure of 290, which was allowed to civil servants, officers of local authorities and other groups with effect as from 29th May, 1948. In view of these considerations, I cannot see my way to sanction any further increase in the basic scales of the officers concerned. I have notified the Cork Corporation to this effect.
Would the Minister tell me when he notified the Cork Corporation?
Only in the last day or two.
Does the Minister not consider that it would be far more courteous to acknowledge the resolution of the corporation without unnecessary delay? Is the Minister aware that these recommendations were made in the first instance by the Cork School Attendance Committee, which is comprised of well-known educationists—clergy, ex-teachers and others—and that it was due to the exceptionally good work of these officers that they made the recommendation? If he will look into the attendance figures of the Cork schools he will see the result of that very good work. Surely the resolution on this matter merited at least an acknowledgment on the part of the Minister?
On the question of courtesy, I think very few individuals or bodies can complain of delay in dealing with correspondence by the Department. So far as this particular case is concerned, there has been delay due to particular circumstances in the consideration of the matter. If that delay has been the cause of inconvenience or embarrassment to the Cork committee, I am sorry, but I submit it is a very isolated case.
I think the Minister should have said that when he was first replying—that he regretted the delay.
Is the Minister aware that these officers have very high qualifications, and have to conduct cases in court in Irish and English, and that they are amongst the lowest paid officers in Cork?