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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 9 Nov 1950

Vol. 123 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Price of Timber.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if it is correct that the price of timber has increased recently; and, if so, if he will state the percentage increase and further, the steps, if any, taken by the Government to ensure that an adequate supply of timber for our needs was imported prior to the increase in prices.

The price of imported softwood was increased here on the 13th October, 1950. The increases which were based on increased landed cost varied from 3.5 per cent. for seven-inch whitewood to 9.9 per cent. for 11-inch whitewood and from 7.1 per cent. for seven-inch redwood to 16.1 per cent. for 11-inch redwood.

A review of the timber supply position in September last showed that the timber merchants held reasonable stocks, the bulk of which had been purchased on a rising market, and these with the forward purchases made by the importers are regarded as sufficient to meet normal requirements for a considerable time ahead.

Can the Parliamentary Secretary say if any steps were taken to ensure that the price of timber on hands was not increased because of the factors which the Parliamentary Secretary has just mentioned?

The timber in respect of which an increase was granted was timber purchased, as I said, on a rising market and it was in those circumstances that the increase was sanctioned.

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that the general opinion is that there was wholesale hoarding of timber pending that permitted increase?

I have no information which would——

Will the Parliamentary Secretary inquire into it?

What will happen then?
