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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 8 Mar 1951

Vol. 124 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Crushed Limestone Plants.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will allocate grants for the establishment of small crushed limestone plants at Firies, Killorglin and Kenmare.

There are no funds at my disposal from which grants could be made available for the establishment of small crushing plants as suggested by the Deputy.

Under a scheme, details of which will be announced shortly, the delivery of ground limestone will be subsidised and farmers who require this material for their lands will be able to have it delivered to their premises or as near as practicable to their premises at a price not exceeding 16/- per ton delivered.

Does the Minister now regret his refusal to provide that subsidy a couple of years ago when a deputation of farmers waited on him asking him to do so?

No, but I thank Providence and the United States for the 5,000,000 dollars wherewith to pay it.
